"Did you know"

Did you know Grapes light on fire in the microwave.
Did you know Antarctica is covered in a sheet of ice that's 7,000 feet thick.
Did you know Chewing gum is banned in
Did you know the 1939 novel Gadsby is the
longest book ever published that doesn't contain the letter 'e.'
Did you know there are almost 8 million
possible seven-digit phone numbers per area code.
Did you know the average mammal takes
21 seconds to empty its bladder.
Did you know Spaghetto, confetto, and
graffito are the singular forms of spaghetti, confetti, and graffiti.
Did you know the average U.S. household
has 300,000 things in it.
Did you know the first item sold on eBay
was a broken laser pointer.
Did you know there's a toilet museum.
Did you know "Strengths" is the longest
word in the English language with one vowel.
Did you know It only takes six minutes for
alcohol to affect your brain.
Did you know Birds in Minnesota get drunk
off of berries.
Did you know lady Liberty wears a size
879 shoe.
Did you know a lifeboat drill was canceled the morning of the Titanic tragedy.
Did you know Santa Claus was given an
official pilot's license in 1927.
Did you know Einstein's brain was stolen
when he died.
Did you know Scientists made a "nanoguitar" the size of a human blood cell.
Did you know almost half the world's
population watched both the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup games.
Did you know there's a basketball court in
the U.S. Supreme Court building.
Did you know Daniel Radcliffe went through
nearly 70 wands and 160 pairs of glasses during the making of the Harry Potter films.
Did you know you can get your eyeballs
Did you know three U.S. presidents—
Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter—have won Grammys.
Did you know McDonald's once created
bubblegum-flavored broccoli.
Did you know the longest place name in the world is 85 letters long.
